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Re: antiorp?

Date1998-05-03 00:36
FromCarlton Wilkinson
SubjectRe: antiorp?
This is a pretty crowded list, and ya'll who are programmers should probably
have a larger say as to how the list operates. But as I've said before
elsewhere, I always find =cw4t7abs's contributions to be valuable and among the
more interesting to pass over my screen.

I'm not joking.

=cw4t7abs wrote:

> >Since antiorp refuses to translate his pseudo code, and offers nothing else,
> >How
> >can we all get him\her\!t
> amer!kkkan pol!ss+e    +?
> $nasa =~ s/\bamer!kan fasc!zm\b/!nternat!onal reazon/g;
> >to eigher unsubscribe or have his posting permission
> >removed?
> syadasti nasti ca avaktavyacsa
> [4rom !nd!an-ja!na d!alekt!k ov pred!kat!on]
> >Thanks.
> dy
> - = lx - ßy + h
> dt
> parad!gm sh!ft.!nkomprehens!bl|2|humanz.

Carlton Joseph Wilkinson