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Re: midi-real time

Date1999-06-06 18:23
FromDave Phillips
SubjectRe: midi-real time
KH wrote:

>    I would like to ask if it is possible to "patch" a midi keyboard  and
> have Csound playing in realtime. Can somebody please send an example of
> orc&score which is able to do that.

Very simple orc/sco for MIDI control:

;;; midi-in.orc

        instr 1

;;; get a MIDI note-number
inum    notnum		  

;;; derive amp value from velocity (?), then scale it
iamp    ampmidi 100*inum  

;;; convert MIDI note number to cps
icps    cpsmidi		  

ifn     =       1
aosc    oscil   iamp,icps*.5,ifn

;;; linenr is often used in MIDI-controlled instruments
;;; since duration is arbitrary at p-time
iris    =       .07
idec    =       .11
iatdec  =       .01
kenv    linenr  1,iris,idec,iatdec

        out     aosc*kenv

;;; midin000.sco

f1 0 1024 10 1

;;; keep Csound active for 95000 seconds
;;; should be long enough to find whether it works...
f0 95000


Under Linux you would use a command-line looking something like this:

    csound -o devaudio -M/dev/midi midi-in.*

assuming you have an already working MIDI and audio system. jpff or
another of the gurus can tell you how to do it on other platforms (SGI,
Windows, Mac, ?).

Btw, you could also drive the instrument with a MIDI file like so:

    csound -o devaudio -F my_foo.mid midi-in.*

Tons of fun await you...

== Dave Phillips
