| >please leave me alone
deja - du = !nkor!jbl.
>I am trying to learn a computer program
>and you obviously have way more
>time on your hands than I.
az 1 l!f 4rm name tagd e!n+zte!n b! !tz parent objektz
[dzat 1z 2 za! !tz real name != knoun]
= ztatd t!.m! = 1 m9ndfukc evnt
wh!ch = k!rkumvntz zuch konztataz!onz
!f du = dez!re = kould prokur addtl t!me pour to!
>Besides you are a coward
1 - ma!z !t != altr 1 obzervat!on
>and a bigot if you judge me
du = 1 objekt s!ll!.
az z!gn!f!kant az addtl objektz
due 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
each un!versz = konztruktd ov 0+2 un!versez.
ma! not!sz
1 = zpl!tz !n 2 1 and 2
2 = zpl!tz !n 2 3 and 4
3 = zpl!tz !n 2 5 and 6
4 = zpl!tz !n 2 7 and 8
n = zpl!tz !n2 2n-1 + 2n.
1 ma! kont!nue zpl!tt!ng 0+an! g!vn un!versz !ndef!n!tel!
dzus obta!n!ng 1 !nf!n!t numbr ov komponentz
!n an! b!t ov mattr.
fr!dom = ga!nd 4rom 0+1 bl!ef - an! s!ze zkale = !ntr!nz!kall!
> bas!k || !mportant || komplecz dzn 0+1 odr s!ze zkale.
hensz wh! okkup! t!me [?] w!th cznd-l vn du = 0+0 > + 0+0 < !mport.ant
dzen 1 galax! || 1 atom +?
1 = oftn pressurd !n+2 feel!ng dze konsernz ov soc!et!
or dze veLt = > z!gn!f!kant dzen 1nz oun !mmed!ate prznl konsernz. [m9ndfukc]
d!sz = baszd on dze assumpt!on dzat 0+zom s!zez = !n 0+1 abs sensz
> dzn odrz. !t = zuch 0+1 aszumpt!on wh!ch dze c!rkulr zkale underm!nez.
| l!beratd l!fe energ!e |
>on where i am born and
>then do not sign your name.
aszum!ng du != !ntend 2 per4m 1 nato rout!n
prenom : netochka
nom : nezvanova
wh!teno!sz.rrrr))0.3(, 4000(; komment //
o f f i c i a
l h h h h h
h h h h h
h h h h
h h h h h h h
h h h h h h
h h h h h
h h h h h h h h h
h h h h h h
h h h h h h
h h h h h
h h