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[ANNOUNCE] NeXTSTEP/OpenStep Csound v3.52

Date1999-02-19 14:02
FromStephen Brandon - SysAdmin
Subject[ANNOUNCE] NeXTSTEP/OpenStep Csound v3.52
CSOUND Canonical Version, compiled for NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP

Version 3.52

The latest version of Csound for NeXTSTEP/OpenStep can be found on:


The source code diffs can be found at:


The Makefile used can be found at:



* This is a FAT version, compiled for NeXT hardware and Intel/NeXTSTEP  
hardware. All known "endian" issues have been resolved. It runs on NeXTSTEP v  
3.x (tested on 3.3) and 4.2. Other versions probably work too.

* Real-time sound output is supported on both Intel and NeXT hardware. The  
default buffer sizes have been changed to give optimum performance. Of  
course, there's very little you can do on NeXT hardware beyond simple file  
playback in real time, before it starts to break up, but Intel performance is  
much better on faster machines.

* Real-time sound input is NOT included.

* Real-time MIDI input is NOT included, although I have had this almost  
working properly in the past.

* The default output sound file (if you don't specify one) is "test.snd",  
instead of "test".

* You can still work with AIFF/AIFC/WAV files if you wish, but the "native"  
file format is NeXT/Sun .snd files.

* UNIX "pipe" support has been compiled in, but is untested.

* Sometimes "esr", and possibly other values are mis-reported in the text  
output, on NeXT hardware. This is to do with a problem in the text output  
(printf), and does not indicate any other internal problem.

* Source changes have been sent to John Fitch, and hopefully will make it  
into the next canonical source version.

* A Rhapsody version would be very easy to put together, once Sound/MIDI  
issues are finalised in the OS.

Please report any NeXT-specific problems to me (particularly endian  
[byte-swapping] issues on Intel machines), and other problems to the Csound  

Stephen Brandon

Systems Administrator,
Department of Music,		e-mail: S.Brandon@music.gla.ac.uk
14 University Gardens,			(NeXT mail welcomed)
University of Glasgow,		Tel: 	+44 (0)141 330 6065
Glasgow.			Fax:	+44 (0)141 330 3518