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Csound E-Zine

Date1998-10-07 18:42
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectCsound E-Zine

I am thinking about publishing a Csound E-Zine and am looking for
contributers and suggestions.  This will be in html format with pictures as
either gif's or jpg's.  Sound samples can be included as either .au, .aiff,
.wav or mp3.  The articles should be informal although a few equations are
usually helpful in understanding things.

I think I will be able to publish 4 times each year assuming I get some
contributions and I remain enthusiastic about the project (you can help with
both).  I will try to keep back issues on the web site for reference.  I
think I have plenty of disk space on my reality.sgi.com site.  There are
currently no plans to pay the contributers or to have advertisements on the

You must own the copyright for the material to be published.  You will
retain your own copyright to republish the article as you wish but you must
grant the E-Zine permission to publish it as well.

The topics I will be considering are presented below.  I am open to other
topics as well.  Let me know if you have an article prepared for the E-Zine
and I will tell you how to get it to me.  I may have to work out something
for large files (>1 megabyte).  Remember to include your name and email
address in the article.


This section will be reserved for such heated discussion areas as converting
C to C++, creating a new language Csound++ or other topics of controversial
nature. This will be an opportunity to make your point in a well thought out

Beginners Section

This section will be targeted at the Csound novice and will provide
information on things like creating very simple orchestras and scores and
examining individual opcodes. Please include the orchestra, score and block
diagrams for contributing articles.


This section will present novel or conventional synthesis techniques.
Articles should include block diagrams, example orchestra & score, a
description of the theory involved. Discussion of a single instrument is
appropriate for this type of article.

Sound Processing & Sound Effects

This section will present novel or conventional sound processing techniques.
Articles should include block diagrams, example orchestra & score, a
description of the theory involved. Discussion of a single instrument or
effect is appropriate for this type of instrument.

Real-Time Csound

This section will present an example of using Csound in real time. Articles
should include block diagrams, example orchestra & score, a description of
the theory involved, any special command line options and processor or
operating system requirements.

Featured Composition

This section should provide a description of the composition. Compositions
should be around 1-5 minutes in length. They may be presented as an
orchestra and score or as an MP3 file. Csound should be used or >50% of the

Inside Csound

This section will take a detailed look at the C side of Csound. Topics might
include adding opcodes to Csound, how reinit works or explore other Csound


This section will be for software and book announcements and updates.  Try
to describe the product and any special hardware or software requirements.


If someone is good at writing interview questions let me know and I will try
to obtain interviews with some of the major players in the Csound community.

Resources & Links

A list of links for other Csound resources on the web.

Cover Art

Looking for audio related artwork.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Hans Mikelson

Date1998-10-20 17:34
From"Juergen A. Erhard"
SubjectRe: Csound E-Zine

>>>>> "Hans" == Hans Mikelson  writes:

    Hans> Hi,
    Hans> I am thinking about publishing a Csound E-Zine and am looking for
    Hans> contributers and suggestions.  This will be in html format with pictures as
    Hans> either gif's or jpg's.  Sound samples can be included as either .au, .aiff,
    Hans> .wav or mp3.  The articles should be informal although a few equations are
    Hans> usually helpful in understanding things.

Wonderful idea... as the ton of responses shows.

One thing on the sound samples: have a permanent section on how to
convert those... generally, a section that deals with issues
concerning the zine itself.  A glossary should go into this too...

Because this section would be permanent, it wouldn't be a problem of
disk space (it would simple be linked from all the issues... so there
won't be any `old' versions)


    Hans> Announcements

    Hans> This section will be for software and book announcements and updates.  Try
    Hans> to describe the product and any special hardware or software requirements.

Maybe this should be a `copy' of a csound-announce list (that doesn't
exist yet)?  eMail can generally be much more current than any
publication (even e-).


    Hans> Resources & Links

    Hans> A list of links for other Csound resources on the web.

This is another candidate for being a permanent feature (one that
won't be entirely different between issues).

Some others mentioned a discography, which I also think would be a
good idea.  Especially if this could link to any .orc/.sco that were
used for a piece (where possible, of course).

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard  eMail: jae@laden.ilk.de  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
   MARS: http://members.tripod.com/~Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
	 George Herrimann's Krazy Kat (http://www.krazy.com)
	Win32 has many known work arounds. For example, Linux.

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