The newest version of the sources (i think 3.484 on..)
Scot was removed
i think because it wasnt working and noone seemed to use it
but maybe ffitch or boulanger have other reasons
as well.
----->does this mean you USE scot?
On Tue, 8 Sep 1998, Thorin Kerr wrote:
> G'day there.
> Say, would anyone know...If there is a version of ppc csound for mac
> that supports scot? I find 3.485(b) has eliminated it. I also find
> 3.47(b) thinks there's garbage in the scot file - I have ensured that
> the garbage is not hidden in the text. A curious problem, and I'm sure
> Scot's being phased out for a reason... but say, maybe someone could
> indulge me.
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