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Re: pink noise in cmask

Date1998-11-18 22:46
FromAndre Bartetzki
SubjectRe: pink noise in cmask
pete moss wrote:
> actually i mean, will
> rnd lin 1
> give me pink noise?
> pete
> pete moss wrote:
> > anyone use cmask?  will using the line generator give me pink noise?
> > should i use the default value of -1 or something different?  any hints?
> >
> > thanks
> > pete

If you use 
rnd lin 1
you get more lower values (near 0.0) than higher ones (near 1.0). 
(lin -1 gives you the reverse result)
rnd exp 1 is much better for the simulation of pink noise than lin 1.
But this is not a true pink noise. That means the same energy or density is in
every octave or any other interval, i.e. if you have a logarithmic scale pink
noise is like a uniform distribution.


Andre Bartetzki http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/~abart
Studio fuer elektroakustische Musik http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/~abart/Steam/steam.html
Hochschule fuer Musik Berlin http://www.hfm-berlin.de

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