Tobias Kunze (*very* correctly) recommends this old publication:
> * Two-part tutorial on the "Mathematics of signal processing"
> by Andrew Moorer (also in: John Strawn, ed., Digital Audio
> Signal Processing: An Anthology, Los Altos, CA: W. Kaufmann,
> 1985.)
but I gotta point out the article in question was by F. Richard Moore,
who also has good intro to computer music(heavy in c code examples) in
"Elements of Computer Music" Prentice-Hall 1990
I personally found Dick Moore's "Mathematics of signal processing"
article and *especially also* the Julius O. Smith Digital Filter theory
article that follows
in that book to be key in developing what understanding I have of
( my main background was as a performing classical musician and
composer who used software synthesis languages )
If (as has been said on this list ) this book is out of print, it is a
I have a copy of the book....does anyone have a copy of the book and a
scanner? () ;-)
That same series has just published a
"Fundamentals of Digital Audio" from Alan Kefauver, who teaches
recording arts at
Pebody Institute of Johns Hopkins...it is a short intro (not to DSP) but
to the fundamental
mechanics of digital audio ...it is remarkable mainly in the extent to
which it avoids and simplfies
the math involved...
We should all contact AR Editions of Madison WI (which took over the W.
Kaufman series a while back)
and ask that the early volume with Moore & Julius' article be reprinted
It truely is a classic text of computer music, IMHO...check it out , oh,
those who can (libraries are good places to start, maybe?)