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Win32s csound

Date1999-04-26 09:07
SubjectWin32s csound
Message written at 26 Apr 1999 07:45:53 +0100

This message may be of extremely limited interest!

Over the weekend it was pointed out that the latest versions of Csound
for Windows does not run on 3.1 with Win32s like it used to.  This is
because I changed to MSVC5, which does not support Win32s (support was
dropped after v4.1).  So, in case there are any people using Win32s I
have created csound_32s.zip in ftp.maths.bath.ac.uk:pub/dream/newest/
built with MSVC3.  Note this was built from my test sources, so there
will/may be minor differences from the manuals