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Re: if.../ Common Lisp Music

Date1999-02-26 04:43
FromCharles Baker
SubjectRe: if.../ Common Lisp Music

Larry Troxler wrote:

> The not-so-cool thing about CLM, of course, is that there is only a
> handfull of unit generators, compared to the immense richness of them
> that Csound has.

Well yes, but the difference is really one of approach. CLM is an audio
many of the Csound "unit generators" can and have been coded in CLM...
(all of Perry's C++ kit, FFT, granular algorithms,  sndwarp is almost exactly
like an instrument that has shipped with CLM since near it's inception,

CLM and MSP do not provide one with the "immense richness" of synthesis
that Csound does. But they provide instead environments where the base tools
used to generate and process sound are embedded in powerful general purpose
languages...in order to allow the utmost flexibility to the

The trade-off is immediate power vs. control...in Csound, I can use several
granular approaches. But in CLM I can use any granular algorithm that has been
*or* I can "roll my own" that works as I want it to, and I control it the way
I want to!
And it doesn't change the core of CLM,
and requires no fancy source control (no registry of "UGs" to maintain).

Yes, CLM is harder to learn, but it teaches you a great deal more about sound
synthesis/processing when you use it, because instead of having to use
someone's pre-packaged
synthesis algorithm (no matter how fine & most in Csound are *fine*!), you
roll your own,
and or adjust someone else's algorithm. if you want.

Please, I'm not flaming Csound or it's users: just plugging a related and good
I'm just totally into MSP and CLM/CommonMusic these days (when I have time to
Chascun a son gout, eh, what?