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Re: csound surround module: 8chan decoding

Date1999-09-01 12:44
FromTorsten Anders
SubjectRe: csound surround module: 8chan decoding
On MacOS Max/MSP will do with multi channel files too.
On UNIX snd will play any number of channels and its free. But there is no
multichannel card which is supported by Linux, so far I know...

Torsten Anders

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 you wrote:
>In any case, with all those multichannel cards around, we need a
>multichannel player for our Ambisonics compositions. It is a pain to have to
>import all eight channels one by one in Logic Audio or ProTools.
>Matt, how is Fielder (the wonderful graphic player you have made) behaving?
>By the moment the only guy in town (for the Mac world) is SuperCollider,
>that plays ANY file around using digital and analog outputs of your card.
>The problem is that costs 250$. A bit too much. (Very good support though).
>Javier Ruiz