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Re: Computerwelt

Date1999-09-20 13:04
SubjectRe: Computerwelt

it is not done with vocoder, it is speech synthesis. They used the Texas 
Instruments Speak&Spell, a pocket calculator with speechsynthesizer and some 
games. The digital sounds of the game are included into the song 
pocketcalculator/Taschenrechner. The Florian Schneider - dummy hold it in his 
hands on one of the pictures of the cover.

Try to search a 'bad' sounding speechsynthesizer program for your computer, 
there are lot of free ones, or try:




Malte Steiner
- www.block4.com -

Date1999-09-21 07:34
FromPaul M Fox
SubjectRe: Computerwelt
A speak & spell "emulator" is free from here

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 SteinersT1@aol.com wrote:

> hello,
> it is not done with vocoder, it is speech synthesis. They used the Texas 
> Instruments Speak&Spell, a pocket calculator with speechsynthesizer and some 
> games. The digital sounds of the game are included into the song 
> pocketcalculator/Taschenrechner. The Florian Schneider - dummy hold it in his 
> hands on one of the pictures of the cover.
> Try to search a 'bad' sounding speechsynthesizer program for your computer, 
> there are lot of free ones, or try:
> http://www.bell-labs.com/project/tts/voices-java.html
> Overview:
> http://www.tue.nl/ipo/hearing/webspeak.htm
> Greetings,
> Malte Steiner
> - www.block4.com -
> electronic music + art