| A brief summary like this might be useful although the manual isn't too bad
for this.
>Value Convertors:
>ftlen=function table length
int=Gives the integer portion of a real (floating point) number.
frac=Gives the fractional portion of a real number.
>dbamp=linear amplitude to decibels
i=Converts from a k-rate or a-rate variable to an i-rate variable.
abs=Returns the absolute value of a number.
exp=Returns the Euler's constant e~=2.7183 raised to a power.
log=Returns the number of the power you would have to raise e to to get this
>sqrt=square root
>ampdb=decibels to linear amplitude
>Pitch Convertors:
>octpch=octave point decimal to octave pitch-class (8ve.pc)
>pchoct=octave pitch-class to octave point decimal
>cpspch=Cycles per second (Hz) to Octave pitch-class
>cpsoct=cycles per second to octave pitch-class
>sr= sample rate
>kr= control rate
>ksmps=control samples per second
>nchnls=no. of channels
>linseg=line segment
>expseg=exponential segments
FM oscilator for computing frequency modulation synthesis.
asig = amp1*sin(frequency1*x + amp2*sin(frequency2*x))
Some people have suggested that this is more accurately called phase
modulation synthesis and that FM should be:
asig = amp1*sin(frequency1*x * amp2*sin(frequency2*x))
>oscili=oscilllator using interpolation
Sample player with looping capability.
buzz=Can be used to generate an alias free band limited impulse. Can be
integrated to obtain alias-free sawtooth, square, pwm and triangle waves.
Any others? I'm looking for Osc-Synch.
I'm not sure what advantages this has over buzz.
>adsyn=additive synthesis
>pvoc=phase vocoder
>fof=fonctions d'ondes formantiques (French) Formant wave
pluck=digital waveguide synthesis pluck sound
>randh=random with holding
>randi=random with interpolation
>Signal Modifiers:
>linen=linear envelope
Linear envelope with a release section like on most synthesizers. Commonly
used with midi.
>tone=tone,low-pass filter like knob on boombox
>reson=resonant filter
reson=a type of bandpass filter
>atone="anti-tone",the opposite of tone
high-pass filter
>areson= like above
areson=a type of band-reject/notch filter
>lpread=read linear predictive
Used to convert from a-rate to k-rate.
>upsample=opp. of downsample
Used to convert from k-rate to arate similar to asig=ksig.
something like:
asum init 0
asum = asum + asig
>samphold=sample and hold