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Re: Re; Csnd 3.47 to 3.48

Date1998-04-27 12:41
SubjectRe: Re; Csnd 3.47 to 3.48
Message written at 24 Apr 1998 19:04:33 +0100
--- Copy of mail to ada@skyenet.net ---
In-reply-to: <199804240258.VAA26368@skye1.skyenet.net> (ada@skyenet.net)
References:  <199804240258.VAA26368@skye1.skyenet.net>

I do wonder myself!  I suspect I changed some magic option, or removed
debugging or something.  

>>>>> "Andy" == A Archias  writes:

 Andy>   I have to ask, why is the winsound.exe ver 3.47 =1.8meg and the 3.48
 Andy> version so much smaller (appr 717K) ?