| Hans:
Whoops- try(excerpted:):
outs aout*aamp, aout*aamp ; Output
rather than the original(excerpted:):
outs aoutr*aamp, aoutr*aamp ; Output
Cool, very much so!
I wonder, does anyone know anything about the so-called "warm" or "analog"
digital filters:
ones that emulate the much desired 'fat' analog filter saturation sound? Are
these done
with non-linear mapping ("waveshapers"), or multi-stage filters, or ? ...
I guess these days the old panel moog I worked on oh, these many many years
ago (17? 22? something like that) is a deeply coveted device....I certainly
enjoyed it when I was learning...
A 'warm' filter algo would be a nice addition to csound (or is it there,& I'm
just outOfTheLoop?)
I seem to remember an article about such a algo from someone at E-mu
char lieb
Charles Baker, Ph.D.
Hans Mikelson wrote:
> Hi,
> Just playing around, thought it sounded sort of cool.
> Hans Mikelson
> sr=44100 ; sr must equal kr
> kr=44100
> ksmps=1
> nchnls=2
> instr 2
> idur = p3 ; Duration
> iamp = p4 ; Amplitude
> ifqc = cpspch(p5) ; Pitch to Frequency
> ifade = p6 ; Fade in and out
> ih = .004 ; delta t
> axn init 1 ; Initial x value
> ayn init -.5 ; Initial y value
> aamp linseg 0, ifade, iamp, idur-2*ifade, iamp, ifade, 0 ; Amp envelope
> ; Popcorn fractal
> axnp1 = axn - ih*sin(ayn + tan(3*ayn))
> aynp1 = ayn - ih*sin(axn + tan(3*axn))
> axn = axnp1
> ayn = aynp1
> arnd rand 2 ; Generate noise
> aenv1 linseg 200, idur, 1000 ; Frequency ramp
> aenv2 linseg 40, idur, 400 ; Frequency modulation ramp
> aout rezzy arnd, aenv1+ayn*aenv2, 50 ; Filter noise and sweep frequency
> outs aoutr*aamp, aoutr*aamp ; Output
> endin
> f1 0 65536 10 1 ; Not used sine wave
> ; Sta Dur Amp Pitch Fade
> i2 0 60 9000 6.00 2 |