| On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
> Obstacle, sound card configuration. Out of my two sound cards one with
> ESS1868 chipset (?), and a Card D+ I'm hoping to get one working. My
> preference would be the Card D+ but very little information is available
> on this with a seeming "it hasn't been done yet".
> Can anyone give me some pointers as to support for either of these two
> cards under Linux?
Dave (Phillips) has already replied on the ESS1688.
Concerning the CardD, in the past I have tried several time to get
something out of Digital Audio, with no success. However, in one of
these attempts someone else kindly replied: at the time (two years
ago) I did not know very much what to do with his reply because it
was a bit vague. I still don't know but maybe someone on these lists
or someone that any of us could contact does. This could be a first
attempt at trying to get CardD to work under Linux (indeed, a Nice Thing).
Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.
>From longword@aoife.indigo.ie Sun Sep 15 03:03:02 1996
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Subject: Re: DigitalAudio cards supported under Linux?
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Nicola Bernardini wrote:
> Hello,
> does anybody know if the DigitalAudio cards (CardD, V8, etc.)
> have some drivers supporting them under Linux. The DigitalAudio
> people does not seem to care to make the info to write such
> drivers available. I am willing to help (I can write drivers)
> but have no info whatsoever on these cards.
> Can somebody help?
No. Well not exactly. I've had some passing experience with the CardD. I
work as a programmer for Ireland's national TV & radio broadcaster
(RTE). The largest project in my department is based around a
custom-built, custom-programmed audio recorder/player box based around a
486, a CardD and a magneto-optical drive. I'm not on that particular
team but I do know that the CardD uses at it's core an Analog Devices
AD1864 chip (I may be wrong on the number but I'm definitely right on
the manufacturer). The CardD also has some kind of DSP on there too, but
for our particular project the card is being used for nice simple play
and record functionality and the DSP is not used at all in so far as I'm
aware. The card is used as a pretty standard DMA audio card. I think the
DSP and/or the card has to be initialized though.
Anyway, Analog Devices are very helpful sods and make the data sheets of
their chips available to Surfers in PDF format. Helped my no end trying
to get my own sound card - the AD1845 based Ensoniq PnP - working. Check
out www.analog.com. A driver could probably be based on
drivers/sound/ad1848.c in the Linux source.
RTE may have further documentation on the CardD. If we do and we're not
under any non-disclosure agreements I'll see what I can do about getting
you some of it.
Paul. |