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Re: Yet another kick drum

Date1999-08-29 22:09
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: Yet another kick drum

I think this one may sound a bit better than the last one.

Hans Mikelson

; Kick Drum
; Coded by Hans Mikelson August 25, 1999
sr      =        44100                      ; Sample rate
kr      =        44100                      ; Kontrol rate
ksmps   =        1                          ; Samples/Kontrol period
nchnls  =        2                          ; Normal stereo
        zakinit  50,50                      ; May need this later

; Kick Drum 2
       instr     11

idur   =         p3            ; Duration
iamp   =         p4            ; Amplitude
iacc   =         p5            ; Accent
irez   =         p6            ; Resonance
iod    =         p7            ; Overdrive
ilowf  =         p8            ; Low Frequency

kfenv  linseg    1000*iacc,  .02, 180, .04, 120, idur-.06, ilowf ; Freq
kaenv  expseg    .1, .001, 1, .02, 1, .04, .7, idur-.062, .7  ; Amp Envelope
kdclck linseg    0, .002, 1, idur-.042, 1, .04, 0             ; Declick
asig   rand      2                                            ; Random

aflt   rezzy     asig, kfenv, irez*40         ; Filter

aout1  =         aflt*kaenv*3*iod/iacc        ; Scale the sound

krms   rms       aout1, 1000                  ; Limiter, get rms
klim   table3    krms*.5, 5, 1                ; Get limiting value
aout   =         aout1*klim*iamp*kdclck/sqrt(iod)*1.3   ; Scale again and

       outs      aout, aout                   ; Output the sound


f1 0 65536 10 1
f5 0 1024 -8 1 256 1 256 .5 128 .3 128 .1 256 .1

;a 0 0 5.68
;    Sta   Dur  Amp    Accent  Q    Overdrive  LowFqc
i11  0.0   .18  30000  1       1    2          60
i11  0.5   .    .      .       <    2.5        .
i11  1.0   .    .      .       <    2          .
i11  1.5   .    .      .       1.5  3          .

i11  2.0   .18  30000  1       1    2          60
i11  2.5   .    .      .       <    2.5        .
i11  3.0   .    .      .       <    2          .
i11  3.5   .    .      .       1.5  3          .

i11  4.0   .18  30000  1       1    2          60
i11  4.5   .    .      .       <    2.5        .
i11  5.0   .    .      .       <    2          .
i11  5.5   .    .      .       1.5  3          .

i11  6.0   .18  30000  1       1    2          60
i11  6.5   .    .      .       <    2.5        .
i11  7.0   .    .      .       <    2          .
i11  7.5   .    .      .       <    2          .
i11  7.75  .25  .      .       1.5  3          .