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proper filtering for Grains

Date1999-08-29 19:18
Frompatrick pagano
Subjectproper filtering for Grains
Hi C sounders
I have been employing the  section technique to remove unwanted residual
Hi frequencies in granny pieces and would like to attempt to use a
filter to further "clean" up the sections can someone suggest a nice
filter for this grain instr??

>                 instr   1
> ioutch  =       p12                                 ; Output channel
> ipanl   =       sqrt(p13)                           ; Pan left
> ipanr   =       sqrt(1-p13)                         ; Pan right
> k1      linen   1000,.1,p3,.1
> aamp    linseg  0, .002, 1, p3-.004, 1, .002, 0  ; Declick envelope
> asig            grain   k1, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10,p11
> aout    =       asig*aamp
> outs    aout*ipanl, aout*ipanr             ; Output stereo
> zawm    aout, ioutch                       ; Mix to the Zak channel
>                 endin
I would like to remove any extra hi freqs  and any and all suggestions
are appreciated