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RE: Visual waveform creator/editor?

Date1998-11-20 16:40
FromGeoff Cluett
SubjectRE: Visual waveform creator/editor?
Hi to everyone,
 this is my first post - I haven't actually used CSound at all yet, although
I'm really looking forward to finding the time, as the posts I've been
reading sound like it is one hell of a program.  My main interest is in
using my PC to do multitrack recording in my small but very effective home
studio.  I got to here through trying to find source code for reading .wav
files, as I am trying to help a friend of mine write an audio application as
part of his two year Masters degree in Music Technology.  (I have also
pointed him and the University to these sites).  Part of what he wants do do
is to allow the user to split a wave file into frequency components and
process these using DirectX plugins.  I have just purchased a rather
excellent book "Developers Guide to Sound" by Tim Kientzle, which is
published by Addison-Wesley.  This contains the basics on sound, including
human perception and digital storage.  It delves into compression, basic
audio processing and sound synthesis.  It also contains the full source code
to everything he covers - one of those subjects being the Fourier Transform,
which as you probably know turns an audio wave from Time and Amplitude into
Frequency, Time and Amplitude.  So, I had the idea that to display this data
would require a 3D display or a 2D bitmap showing greyscales as the
Amplitude (as a textured bump map would).  This then got me thinking that
you could easily use this as a 'painting' board and when the inverse Fourier
Transform is applied to that 'painted' on data, a new sound is created.  I
don't know how you would then convert this into a score file, but I expect
everyone else does.
I don't know whether that helps, but I am pretty new to this side of audio
and coding in general.  I could post the code if anyone was interested.
It's licensing only requires an acknowledgement of the author.
Does anyone know anything regarding development of a framework application
to utilise DirectX audio plugins.  Apparently I need to use a 'Graph Filter
Manager' (?).  I thought this was in the DirectX SDK, but I can't find
anything relating to this.  If anyone has addresses of newsgroups, websites
or any code themselves this would be greatly appreciated.  I know this isn't
a CSound issue, but I'm having a real hard time finding the information I
Geoff Cluett

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Robert Tucker [SMTP:rtucker@arches.uga.edu]
> Sent:	Friday, November 20, 1998 2:53 PM
> To:	csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject:	Visual waveform creator/editor?
> I seem to vaguely recall someone on this list once created a program
> that allowed you to use .bmp files to create a waveform and export it to
> Csound.  Can someone point me to where this program is now?
> Also, is there a program that allows editing of sounds visually in three
> dimensions (amp, frequency and time)?  I've been thinking of writing a
> perl script that would allow you to enter the necessary data and would
> in turn create a .orc file and a data file that could be read by a
> graphing program (like WPlot, for instance), but would much prefer to
> find someone else had already done such a thing. ;) 
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Robert Tucker