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RE: diskin question

Date1999-01-12 15:22
FromGrant Covell
SubjectRE: diskin question
Yes, I've been using table and GEN01 instead, but diskin _seems_ simpler for
manipulating playback pitch then say sndwarp. I do understand that diskin
was designed for files that wouldn't ordinarilly fit within GEN01, but the
variable speed stuff is right there, so I figured I'd try it with small
files. (I've been using the most current version of the MillsPPC app BTW.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt J. Ingalls [mailto:ingalls@mills.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 2:09 AM
To: Grant Covell
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: diskin question

diskin worked fine for me
i went back and looked at your message
.2 seconds! well thats shorter than diskins read buffer
so i could see how things might get messed up
(not saying its not a bug!!)
but you should use a table for such short sounds
if not always since you are on a PC 
which can read from file as virtual memory (right??)
although you have 2 use 2 tables 4 stereo
diskin was always intended to be used for large files
that couldnt fit into RAM.

> Hello--
> I've got an instrument with this line in it:
> 	a1, a2	diskin	ifilcod, kpitch, 0 ,1
> and it behaves the same whether or not I set wraparound to 0 or 1. That
> the souce file is read repeatedly, not just once (the source is .2 sec,
> p3 is 4 sec). Yes, I'll probably use GEN01 instead for the same effect,
> I want to keep as much of the instrument as possible in the sco.
> Grant Covell
> gcovell@c-bridge.com