| Dear Csound,
I too would love to see both SoundHack's "Spectral Extraction" and "PVOC
Resynthesis Gating" functions added as opcodes to Csound. I use them all
the time in my DSP classes at Berklee. They would be a great addition to
the Csound family. And they could fit nicely into the suite of pvoc
extensions added by Richard Karpen.
Maybe we could encourage Tom Erbe to share his code and our resident Csound
Vocoder guru Richard Karpen to add them?
Richard Boulanger
>>Mike Berry wrote:
>>> Soundhack analysis files can be used in csound. So you can do the
>>> in soundhack, analyze the output files, and use the analysis with pvoc.
>>> --
>>Richard Dobson Wrote:
>>I don't have a Mac, so Soundhack is denied me.
>Exactly! One of the reasons for the original request was because although I
>have access to Macs, I am primarily a 'PC' user. If the feature was added to
>Csound anyone could use it.
>>I would like to know what the
>>criterion is for marking a frequency as stable or otherwise - ie - over
>>many windows?
>Soundhack allows the user to set the number of frequency bands used in
>analysis (large no. = better freq reponse, small=better time response etc.),
>and the analysis frame size, which is defined in terms of the FFT size (e.g.
>a value of 10 will use 10 FFT frames for the spectral analysis). Transients
>are then taken as partials which have a deviation of more than 'x' Hz per
>analysis frame, and stable frequencies are ones which deviate less than 'y'
>Hz per analysis frame.
>Another reason for adding this feature to CSound is that (ideally) the
>deviation settings could be dynamic, thus greatly increasing the
>power/usefulness of the function.
Dr. Richard Boulanger
Music Synthesis Department
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215-3693
Berklee Phone: (617) 747-2485 Berklee Fax: (617) 536-2257
email: rcb@media.mit.edu * rcb@tiac.net * rboulanger@berklee.edu
webpage: http://www.tiac.net/users/rcb