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Re: realtime polyphony

Date1999-05-20 16:18
SubjectRe: realtime polyphony
It is amazing that we are getting such different results from
different compilers and machines.  I have a Celeron 333A that
gets 206 oscils with the same flags on gcc. Hmmm.

> > Yowsa! On a 450Mhz P-II, with -O3 -funroll-loops: 798 oscillators (daddy-oh!)
> Interesting. For the most part, I've been impressed that my cheapo
> Celeron-333 performs pretty close to a PII, but I'm not finding that
> with your last version of the code...
> Original: about 40
> With floats & integer phase accum.: about 110
> compiled with egcs -O3 -funroll-all-loops -m486 -ffast-math
> Any idea why it's so far behind? (110 vs. 565 at same mhz!)
> I know the cache memory is much smaller. Could that account for it?