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Re: [Csnd] [CUD] RE: [Csnd] csound library was: line event problem

Date1999-11-07 15:44
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [CUD] RE: [Csnd] csound library was: line event problem
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

> as it stands, Quasimodo is moving toward reliance on a very minimal
> set of OS/compiler functionality requirements, cross-platform
> compilability, and so forth. i have no doubt that a port to a
> non-POSIX-ish OS would be more work than the existing ports to IRIX
> and Solaris, but not much more if pthreads are available. such an
> effort would greatly benefit quasimodo, just as stephane conversy's
> ports to IRIX and Solaris have done by identifying the
> platform-dependent parts more clearly so that they can be isolated and
> abstracted. our new use of autoconf (still pretty minimal at this
> point, but we are using it) makes the prospect of a port to say, BeOS,
> much closer than it was a month ago.
I think the cygwin tools (http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/) probably
would make the port to windows quite possible. These include a pthreads
implementation for win32, allow autoconf to work, and include the egcs
compiler. Additionally, the portable audio realtime library project 
(the url escapes me at the moment, the mailing list request address
is portal-request@tomy.net), would allow an abstraction for audio I/O.
And of course, gtk+ has been ported to win32 also.

I would volunteer to do this work and make binaries available, but 
with year-end deadlines my regular job is eating up all my available
time. I may be able to get to it after December. I can make myself
available for help if anyone wants to attempt it.
