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Pmax=4? What does this mean, polyphony?

Date1999-03-12 23:09
SubjectPmax=4? What does this mean, polyphony?
Hello All,

Pmax=4? What does this mean, ....polyphony?

I thought I had read somewhere that Csound didn't really have a
polyphony limit?

Could someone please explain this to me?

Also, I just DL'd what I thought was the most recent version of the
manual, but I'm still looking for more of a Csound dictionary, that way
instead of having to go online everytime I need to have a simple
definition defined I coulod just look at "The Csound dictionary" any

Geez, just the other day I had someone tell me about this killer score
function called macros, man this was never even mentioned in my manual
and it is mighty powerful friends!
