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Re: GENDY???

Date1998-11-18 22:56
FromAndre Bartetzki
SubjectRe: GENDY???
> From: Olivier Pasquet 
> Hello,
> I am looking for a stochastic dynamic synthesis "thing" for mac or PC.
> I have tryed Grainwave. It is simply brilliant.
> I also have tryed to compile the Basic programme written in the Xenakis's
> Formalised Music book. It is plenty of mistakes and it lacks: the SUB ARCHSEQ1
> sub programme... and surely others I have not found yet.
> Does someone know something about it? Where could I find the proper source,
> examples, orc and sco maybe? I thought it would have been interesting to
> understand quickly what Xenakis wrote. But I only have wasted my time and I
> really hate this.
> I have met a chap at the JIM98 (Journees d'Informatique Musicale) who works on
> stochastic dynamic synthesis. But I cannot reach him. His name is Peter
> Hoffman from TU Berlin (or Freie Uni). He did a kind of PhD at IRCAM last
> year.
>                                                    Olivier Pasquet.

As far as I know, Peter Hofmann works at the CeMaMu (Xenakis' institute in Paris).
I think he has rewritten the code in C or JAVA.
Stochastic dynamic synthesis opcodes in Csound would be very nice  :)


Andre Bartetzki http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/~abart
Studio fuer elektroakustische Musik http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/~abart/Steam/steam.html
Hochschule fuer Musik Berlin http://www.hfm-berlin.de

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