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Call for multi-channel music examples

Date1999-01-18 00:46
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectCall for multi-channel music examples
As many on this list will know by now, I have a bee in my bonnet about
multi-channel files, to the extent of devoting most of my modest website
to the issue. I have been most fortunate in that Michael McNabb has sent
me three short extracts from his quad-channel piece 'Love in the Asylum'
for inclusion on my new 'Multi-channel Composers Page'. Two examples are
in WAV format, the third (and slightly longer) one is in AIFF. 

Anyway, at the risk of receiving a deluge, I am asking for similar short
examples (under 10 secs, preferably nearer 5) for inclusion on this
page. NOT Csound scores, actual audio files (though if you are happy, I
could synthesize them myself with Winsound). To keep file sizes down,
files need to be at 22050 samplerate, 16bit, preferably WAVE, AIFF or
AIFC. I can convert from higher rates if necessary. Examples which show
interesting spatialization and/or multi-channel panning are especially
welcome. This is intended primarily  to promote m/c files, though of
course it promotes composers too. It follows that the examples do not
even need to be electro-acoustic -  a quad recording of a jazz gig might
be just as interesting!

Please email me first, before sending files: I can deal with large email
attachments, but not lots at once! Of course, anyone with access to a
public ftp site has a great advantage from my point of view. Anyone who
already has such examples on their own sites can simply send me the URL,
which I can then include on my page.

If anyone has access to a lot of webspace, would they be interetsed in
joing in with this project? The more widespread the use of m/c files is
seen to be, the more manufacturers will realize this is something they
should support.

Richard Dobson

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