| Well, not a lot! The mouse interrupt, and a few gui updates. The 68000 was/is a
really good CPU (flat memory model, 32bit registers - and plenty of them), with
a nice instruction set (I have always been a fan of Motorola chips). From the
same C code, Atari executables come out easily half the size of the DOS-486
equivalents. The Atari (now Steinberg) Falcon is still widely used for audio
work - it has a Motorola 56K dsp inside it - a pretty powerful piece of
hardware, despite some very idiosyncratic design decisions. I gather it is still
very popular in Europe.
Trouble is, once I had discovered Visual C++, I never really wanted to go back
to Lattice on the Atari!
Richard Dobson
Ben Jefferys wrote:
> Richard Dobson wrote:
> > CDP did this on the Atari XT - by talking directly to the hard
> > disk, and to the cartridge port, we were able to get full CD-guality stereo i/o
> > on an 8MHz cpu.
> !! Cool. What else was that CPU doing at the same time? ;)
> |