| I get this message when using adsyn to play a Hetro analysis file:
file c:/csound/bye8 (15000 bytes) loaded into memory
ptlap = 007476BC ptlim 00747AB8
The resulting wav file sounds grainy, although there are
no warnings, 0 errors and no samples out of range. I kind
of like that graininess, but would also like the plain
adsyn file. I just upgraded to Gabriel Moldanado's Direct
Sound 2.5. My old adsyn files, which compiled ok using
RTSound 1.7, also show this message, and also sound grainy.
sr = 22050
kr = 441
ksmps = 50
nchnls = 1
instr 2
a2 adsyn 1, 1, 1, "/csound/bye8"
out a2
i2 0 3