BUYO-BUYO-IGOR@ElectricLightHeads writing
during the preparation 4 the live perfomance @tokyo in FEB8th 2k..
came up with the idea to
link our web-sites in a micro-harmonic-oriented way
would like to call it a:
and now have
4 csound "orc&sco" people
4 self-algo-comp-app people & files-as-a-result contribution
on the net
What I mean by these are ... I'm asking 4 you talented people to contribute your
overtone(or maybe fractal is also nice)-oriented-files
related to the Hz-structure mentioned on my ROOT site ... and that'll make us HD-DJ
excellent(or better than "done by myself" preparation) things at the performance..
And if I could prepare or suggest an open co-linking-oriented syetem
as the seed of the microtuning-oriented-web ...
Yes I'm not the only one who "could do that performance"..
and MY site doesn't always have to be the ROOT..
If this site-linking-system become mature...
ROOTs will FLOAT on the net as a WEB
and people can CHOOSE their own "root & overtones" things
and loop them together os improvise with their samplers
and spend a happy minimal life..
as U might have guessed..
both beginning sites are at this moment "EMPTY"
I myself will gradually upload my thangs over there
---yes I will ... because I'll have to prepare 4 the performance anyway---
Please cantribute something 4 the web
4 example
TXTs of "useful csound orc&sco"+"what kind of harmonic structure it creates"+"how
2 handle the parameters" are also welcome!!
excuse me John!
my relationship with Mr.Motohashi about the localizing project
resulted as a quarrel between us and I've just shut down the "co-localizing-ml"..
I was inteded to translate error messages during my csound mastering process
related to above ... but my approach to the localization will become lazy..
if BUYO-BUYO-IGOR-friendly-localizer appears again..yes I think I can help him
from my interest...
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