| Hi everyone.
I Haven't used Csound in a while and am wondering what folks
are using to make scores on the Macintosh. When i used to
run Csound on my NeXT i used cshell scripts and a handy little
thing called Score11 by A. Brinkman. It is a little score
pre-processor that is especially good for quick and dirty stuff.
I believe that it is in pascal. I wonder if anyone has ported the
Score11 app to the Mac. Or if anyone knows If Brinkman has
let the code out. Anyway, i have some old Score11 scripts
that i would like to re-compile, and i am wondering if anyone
has Score11 up and going.
Meanwhile, what are others using? It is sort-of a pain to
write C code to make scores. Mac Perl still stinks and
i am not to hot to learn it anyway. Buying MAX or Excell
is a bit out of the question for now. Heck, if i had that kind
of money i would just buy SuperCollider.
Seoul, Korea