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Re: [ot] techno bashing

Date1999-06-26 02:13
FromJim Smitherman
SubjectRe: [ot] techno bashing
i don't know why the negativity re templates in cakewalk, they're just handy
ways to have the options to create 'new' files where you don't have to input
every channel, every patch, every synth, every little detail everytime you
want to make a midi.  They don't bind you creatively in anyway, they just
save time in setup.  You can make your own, and you can make any alteration
to any that come with the program.  They are a Good Thing.

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Barrett 
To: csoundlist 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 10:59 AM
Subject: [ot] techno bashing

> >>      I know what you mean. If it is so simple I would challenge anyone
> >> try to put a good piece of music together using the techno or
> >> format. As with all things there is more there than meets the eye at
> first
> ^^^^^^^^
> >Format!  That's just it!  It's a bloody template in Cakewalk.
> >Wayne
> excuse me?   what are you talking about?
> Paul Barrett