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Re: newbie question

Date1999-04-08 00:32
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: newbie question
Cscore is a library that you link with to write your own score generator in

Here are some approaches to writing Csound pieces:

1. Write a score generating function in C and add it to a Cscore

2. Write a score generating program in any language, and print out a Csound
score to a text file. This is easiest and works fine.

3. Use JCsound or AXCsound and embed them into your score generating
program. This is best if (a) you are a moderately experienced programmer and
(b) you need to write your own score generating algorithms, as it gives you
the ability to edit the orc and sco, run more than one score in a row
without reloading the program, and so on.

4. Use one of the score generating frameworks described in Mikelson's latest
ezine. Many of these are designed to do (2) or (3) above.

5. Use notation software to create a midifile. Then use (3) or (4) above or
just use a Csound orc designed to work with -F midifile.

6. Use notation software to create a midifile, then use midi2cs to translate
it to a Csound score.

I'm sure there are more ways...

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Douglas 
To: CSound list 
Date: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: newbie question

>J P Fitch wrote:
>> Rosegarden can take music in standard Western notation and convert to
>> score notation.  That is how I realised my small piano prelude, and some
>> piano things I occasionally attempt to write.  Only runs on Unix though.
>How would Rosegarden cope with scores reflecting a high degree of
>complexity, eg. works by Brian Ferneyhough or James Dillon. Is it capable
>rendering that level of detail into a Csound score file ?
>> Personally I cannot see what is wrong with C as a score generator.
>> Scott sources sare still around of course.
>Can you elaborate on how you use C as a score generator ? For example, are
>referring to a variety of high-level algorithmic program that happens to be
>written in C, or something that depends upon, and even exhibits, unique
>characteristics of the C language as part of the score generation process.
>Bob Douglas