| This should please the analog fans...
Some time ago there was a discussion of simulating pulse width
modulation. I don't remember anyone posting a solution. Well, the other
day, inspiration struck, and I came up with the idea to do it by
indexing a square wave in a funny way... This orc is rather simple with
some rough edges, but it gives the idea and doesn't sound too bad. Put
an amplitude envelope, a filter, and a chorus on there, and we're off to
Roland heaven...
;;;copyright 1998 Paul M. Winkler, zarmzarm@erols.com
;**** Last modified: Wed Dec 9 20:32:30 1998
sr = 44100
kr = 22050
ksmps = 2
nchnls = 1
instr 1
; simulated pulse width modulation
; This works! But p5 should be handled better.
ipitch = cpspch (p4)
aindex phasor ipitch
; Make the WIDTH (p5) 'feel' a little nicer -- an exponential curve from
; ftlen/2 to ftlen, controlled by a linear percentage (0 to 100).
; This is not great: p5 less than about 10 is TOO small!
ilength = ftlen(1)
inum = p5 * p5 * .0001 ; normalize it to 0 - 1
; pow would be a better solution, but it's broken in my csound version?
irange = ( ilength + ( inum * ilength )) * .5
aindex = aindex * irange
print irange
; display aindex, .1
aout table aindex, 1; use f1
out aout
instr 2
; Same thing, only pulse width is controlled by an envelope.
ipitch = cpspch (p4)
aindex phasor ipitch
ilength = ftlen(1)
krange expseg ilength * .5, p3 * .5, ilength, p3 * .5, ilength * .5
aindex = aindex * krange
aout table aindex, 1; table 1
out aout
;;;;;; sample score!
;;copyright 1998 Paul M. Winkler, zarmzarm@erols.com
;**** Last modified: Wed Dec 9 20:34:05 1998
f1 0 512 -7 30000 256 30000 0 -30000 256 -30000 ;square wave,
; at dur pch width
t 0 180
i1 0 1 6.00 100
i. + .5 6.02 100
i. . . . 50
i. . . 6.03 50
i. . . 6.00 10
i. . . 6.01 10
i. . . 6.10 10
i. . . 7.10 20
i. . . 7.08 .
i. . . 7.07 40
i. . . 6.07 .
i. . . 5.07 60
i. . . 4.07 .
i. . . 5.07 80
i. . . 4.07 .
i. . . 5.07 100
i. . . 4.07 >
i. . 2 5.07 30
t 0 120
i2 1 3 5.00
i2 + 3 5.11
i2 . 3 6.10
i2 . 3 7.09
i2 . 3 8.08
i2 . 3 9.07
i2 . 3 10.06
i2 . 3 11.05 ; quite bad aliasing there!