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Haskore - Haskell

Date1999-03-14 18:45
FromTom Makucevich
SubjectHaskore - Haskell
> Finally, functional languages. I've just been shown a paper about
> "Haskore", a Western music score generation system written in Haskell.
> It has convertors for Csound scos and MIDI amongst others. Looks quite
> neat, I will post the URL if people are interested. I feel that
> functional languages are certainly the way forward, and was wondering if
> there was an actual audio synthesis system written for Haskell or
> similar fuctional language. I'm sure this is old ground but maybe
> something has come up recently?
> Bye!
> Ben.

There is no sound synthesis program written in Haskell although there
was some discussion a few years ago about implementing a Csound orc generator
to compliment the Haskore score generator. However the interest has remained
largely in the realm of describing music structures rather than sound which we
think Csound already does very well. 

Haskore (a collection of Haskell modules), while designed to express
traditional Western notation, is just as suited to things like algorithmic and 
fractal composition and can do these quite elegantly. All of Haskell's 
expressiveness is available in Haskore and it is both extensible and 
modifiable so that any formula one likes can be used to generate scores.