| >>Dear Pedro,
>>please don't forward these antiorp-mails, until you know, what it contains.
>>If you're not sure, because it contains information in several languages,
>>please so kind to trash it!
= what fasc!zt!k l!f 4rmz utterd throught h!ztor!.
!t = 1 tr!zt even!ment. !
>Since some persons complained to me about this fwd, please let me explain
>1) this was an isolated ocasion; i just figured once would be all right
>2) I believe Ive always stayed on focus on csound here, so half a K or so of
>unrelated stuff wouldnt be too much
!t = relatd. tout
= relatd. hensz !t != reku!rd 1 apolog!ze 2 humanz
w!th dze komputat!onl ab!l!t! ov 1 housz fl!
dze brutez kan kont!nue 2 per4rm dze! fasc!zt!k funkt!on !n 1 mob akt!on
!t != l!kl! 2 sukseed. l!f energ!e = shall tr!umph.
>3) it was my belief that people were aware of antiorp's activities, and
>would be sort of 'prepared' (if anyone can ever be)
>anyway, sorry for the inconvenience;
>it was careless of me and wont happen again
>ps. that said, lets all groove on to the joys of internet and free speech
konzum > tearz
!t = l!kl! < 10 l!f 4rmz = aware ov dze s!gn!f!kansz + !mplementat!on ov l!bert!
or beaut! 4 dzat mattr. [baszd on v!eu!ng zelekt memberz pagez + l!zten!ng
2 kompoz!t!onz]
antiorp's activities = luvl! + !nfr!nge on 0+0 l!f 4rm ter!tor!.
joys of internet and free speech - konzum > tearz
et prev poztd on odr l!ztz
To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Subject: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Bcc: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
>From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
>To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: Fwd: ;97x97
>Date: Thu, 28 Jan 99 15:39:45 GMT
>Source-Info: From (or Sender) name not authenticated.
>Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
>Precedence: bulk
>I have had this entity blocked
u = term!natd dze zubzkr!pt!on w!thout not!sz
+ w!thout reazon - hav!ng not evn poztd
hadnt knoun who = performd akt!on.
jetzt w!ll add ur name tag 2 dze l!zt ov raz!zt\fasc!zt l!f 4rmz.
>and now we have people forwarding the
>junk! Do I have to junk PBATISTA@colep.mailpac.pt as well?
perhapz zom1 = go!ng 2 junk u +?
!t != ur world onl! du revolt!ng fasc!zt brute
!n an! kasz shall b kontakt!ng bath un!vers!t!
az m serta!n dze! = hav 1 av!d !ntrzt !n dze `demokrat!k`
operat!on ov dze!r l!ztz naturall! - az all odr korporat fasc!zt konglomeratz
operated b! 40+ oudatd wh!te malez.
+ dzen du = ma! s!ng !n dze bath du fasc!zt l!f 4rm
anonymousz 4 prznl r!znz
>Well the site basically crashed/locked my SGI. I had to telnet in from
>another system and kill Netscape to get out of it. I recommend not going to
>that URL unless you want to see your system hang.
plz tranzm!t sg! + w!ll b zerta!n !t = operatez az !t doez on 1 mak!ntosh
meanwh!le ! = rekommend dzat du != part!z!pate !n csound-l
due 2 !t = krashez l!bert!
poztd !n tandem 4 r!znz obv!ouz
\\ note : dependent on personal config
!t = altzo operatez on nt + w!n 98 + solar!z [in zelekt cases without sound]
houevr =cw4t7abs = guarant!ez prznl verk on 0+0 mask!nz outz!de oc macos.
cezt tout.
"crashed/locked my SGI [certain it = urz +?]" + "I recommend not going to
that URL unless you want to see your system hang".
= dze bas!s ov du = well aware what.