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Re: Csound and other synthesis systems

Date1999-06-16 18:53
Frompete moss
SubjectRe: Csound and other synthesis systems
isnt that what cmusic does?  except with c, (no ++).


Robin Whittle wrote:
> Personally I think the Csound orchestra and score language should be
> left behind.  If I was writing a system from scratch it would not use
> any special language at all - it would be a special framework for
> writing C++ to get on with real-time sound synthesis and all I/O and
> GUI things you might like to hang of that.  It would do non-real-time
> work as well, and the same principles would probably apply to
> generating video images too.  The C++ core elements would interface to
> things in other languages, for instance novel score languages or
> whatever you liked to create.

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