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Re [2]: visorc problem

Date1998-09-24 00:52
FromJob van Zuijlen
SubjectRe [2]: visorc problem
I use version 3.482 of Csound (csound.exe), which is from June 2, 1998,
I haven't upgraded yet to a newer version.

The parameters I use (as shown by Visorc) are:

	-oC:\CSOUND\TOOLS\VISORC\wav\test.wav  -W

in which C:\CSOUND\TOOLS\VISORC\ is my Visorc install directory.  

For realtime output, I use:

	-odevaudio -W

These are the minimum parameters you need.  I haven't experimented with
other real-time features.

Another setting to look at is the sample rate.  Not all that you can
choose from may work for your sound card.  Values that do work for me,
are 11025, 22050, 44100, and 48000.  You will have to adjust the control
rate so that sample_rate/control_rate is an integer.  E.g., you can use
sr = 22050 and kr = 441.

To see what is going on, you can have Csound write a log file.  You
would enter "-- test.log" (without quotes) in the Other flags field of
the Command Line options of Visorc, which would write the log file
test.log in the Visorc directory.

Hope this helps some more.


neuwirth wrote:
> hi job,
> can you please take the time tell me whcot version of csound you are
> using,
> and exactly what parameters you use for the command line
> in visor.
> then i have a starting point and can adapt it to my needs.