| Hi, Csounders!
Excuse me for a big message, I just supposed that the attachments are not
good for everyone (?).
Here are two examples of Karplus Strong Algorithm (from List).
It seems that the pitches of notes are good enough in first example ,
but not in second example. Why?
In the beginning I thought that this is because of LPF y[n]=(x[n]+x[n-1])/2
in the second example, but using the 'tone' brings worst results.
May be the pair "delayr - delayw" works more exactly than "delay"?
BTW, LPF from second ex. works good in the first ex.
Does anybody know what is characteristics of this filter (cutoff frequency,
Sergey Batov batov@glasnet.ru
;========= K-S_ex1.orc ===========
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
; Karplus Strong Algorithm Demonstration
instr 1
icps = cpspch(p5) ;desired pitch in PCH
asig init 0 ;initialize asig variable
kcount init 1/icps*kr ;and loop counter (see below)
;------- use a delay line of length 1/cps:
adel delayr 1/icps ;delay of 1/cps seconds
asig tone adel,sr/2 ;filter the output
;- but at the first k, fill the delay line with noise:
if (kcount < 0) kgoto continue ;skip over after line filled
kloop: ;loop to fill delay
asig rand p4,-1 ;with white noise
kcount = kcount - 1 ;decrement loop counter
delayw asig ;delay line input (always get here)
if (kcount >= 0) kgoto kloop ;loop only kcount times at start
out asig
;============ end of K-S_ex1.orc ===================
;================ K-S_ex1.sco ==============================
;Test score for Karplus Strong Demo Instrument
i1 1 5 30000 7.00
i1 7 5 30000 7.04
i1 13 5 30000 7.07
i1 19 5 30000 8.00
i1 25 5 30000 8.04
i1 31 5 30000 8.07
i1 37 5 30000 9.00
i1 43 5 30000 9.04
i1 49 5 30000 9.07
;============ end of K-S_ex1.sco ======================
; Karplus.orc
;Simple versions of the Karplus Strong Algorithm
;The Karplus-Strong Plucked String
instr 1
afeedback init 0
ilooptime = 1/cpspch(p4)
krandenv linseg 1, ilooptime, 1, 0, 0, p3-ilooptime, 0
anoise rand krandenv
a2 delay afeedback+anoise,ilooptime
a3 delay1 a2
;afeedback tone a2,sr/2
out a2*iamp
; Karplus.sco
i1 1 5 7.00 5000
i1 7 5 7.04 5000
i1 13 5 7.07 5000
i1 19 5 8.00 5000
i1 25 5 8.04 5000
i1 31 5 8.07 5000
i1 37 5 9.00 5000
i1 43 5 9.04 5000
i1 49 5 9.07 5000
f 0 55