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Re: if...

Date1999-02-24 07:46
From"Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant"
SubjectRe: if...
Richard Dobson wrote:
> Also , there is the cultural question - why C? Why not Basic, Lisp,
> Pascal, Forth,Occam...
 I haven't yet seen the obvious ( semmantical ) reason yet!!

Date1999-02-24 18:04
FromChristian Lyra
SubjectRe: if...
> > Also , there is the cultural question - why C? Why not Basic, Lisp,
> > Pascal, Forth,Occam...
>  I haven't yet seen the obvious ( semmantical ) reason yet!!
> its called CSound not (B)ASICsound (L)ispsound,... :)

Lispsound? look at nyquist....