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how does Csound understand MIDI?

Date1998-09-09 22:53
Subjecthow does Csound understand MIDI?
Attachmentswaveshap.mid  waveshap.orc  waveshap.sco  
Here is an attachment with waveshape.orc, -.sco and -.mid.
In winsound.log we can see:

midi channel 12 using instr 1
  rtevent:	   T  0.096 TT  0.096 M:      0.0
  rtevent:	   T  0.215 TT  0.215 M:      0.0
  rtevent:	   T  4.200 TT  4.200 M:      0.0
  rtevent:	   T  8.405 TT  8.405 M:      0.0
  rtevent:	   T 12.832 TT 12.832 M:      0.0
  rtevent:	   T 13.032 TT 13.032 M:      0.0
midi channel 3 using instr 3
  rtevent:	   T 13.459 TT 13.459 M:      0.0
midi channel 4 using instr 1
new alloc for instr 1:
midi channel 2 using instr 2
new alloc for instr 2:
new alloc for instr 3:
new alloc for instr 1:

... e.t.c.

Can anybody explain, please, how does Csound know that "midi channel 4
using instr 1"? What parameters (opcodes) in Csound ensure these

Thank you,
    Sergey Batov   batov@glasnet.ru