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Re: Convolve?

Date1999-04-12 07:36
FromRoger Klaveness
SubjectRe: Convolve?
I guess you could use convolve, but it would probably be easier to 
use the hrtfer opcode. And if you don't already have it you must 
download the HRTFCompact file from 
which contains the HRTF measurements

The newest version of csound should be here

James Veltri wrote:
> Hi!
>         I'm still very new to this CSound thing, so maybe I'm getting a little
> ahead of myself, but is anyone familiar with the convolve operator?
> Specifically, does anyone know if it can be used to create 3D audio by
> convolving a regular audio signal with HRTF measurements to provide
> spatial cues for that sound?  I'm working on a project on 3D audio at
> NYU, and would really like to be able to generate my own 3D sounds with
> CSound.  I downloaded some HRTF numbers for Matlab, but I'm not sure
> what to do with them.  If anyone has any experience with this stuff, I
> would really appreciate any tips you could give me.
> Thanks,
> james
> P.S.  Is 3.53 much better than 3.52 for Windows?  If so, I didn't see it