Re: Nested All Pass Filters
Date | 1999-02-06 11:27 |
From | Josep M Comajuncosas |
Subject | Re: Nested All Pass Filters |
Gabriel Maldonado wrote: > (...) Also, using k-rate values > makes it impossible to obtain a delay feedback time lower than 1/kr seconds. So when using a-rate delay times, is it possible to obtain delays lower than 1/sr ? or just up to 1/sr? |
Date | 1999-02-06 18:42 |
From | Shamus McConney |
Subject | Is there a digest for this list |
Hello, Is there a digest version of this list avable? I sent what I tought was the normal set digest command to the majordemo server and it complained that it did not know the command. Thanks, Shamus McConney |