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Re: Newbie question: window

Date1998-06-17 03:02
FromLex Vanderwal
SubjectRe: Newbie question: window
Mike Berry wrote:

 (Good description of PVOC, anyway)

>        The Phase Vocoding process assumes that the data in the FFT analysis can be
> stretched or compressed temporally.  This assumption is more or less valid
> depending on the original material and how it was analyzed.  As a general
> rule, continuously pitched material is going to sound better if a large window
> is used, because the frequencies are going to be more accurate.  Music with
> many "events" will sound better with a small window.  Unfortunately, most
> music has both elements, so you need to reach a compromise that suits your
> purposes.  That's why the window size in not defined for you.

I am not too sure about this last remark: When doing PVOC analysis with,
say 4096 points frame size, everything goes well but, doing resynthesis
Csound (<=3.47 on NT, at least) compains about the window size being >
1024. Again analysis/resynthesis with framsize <= 1024 goes well, but
sometimes I would prefer a larger window.

Greetings, Lex Vanderwal.