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Re: MP3

Date1998-12-17 00:06
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: MP3
Michael Gogins wrote:
>Do any of us download and/or listen to MP3s?

I do.  I usually make a tape from them and listen in the car.

>Do any of us have MP3 files of pieces on the web, either for sale or to

I have some to give away at:


>Does MP3 sound really good? Is it really adequate for complex music?

Apparently the quality is similar to cassette tape without some of the
problems like tape hiss or the tape getting munched.

>What are our plans to distribute, publish, or make money off our music?

Well if it looks like someone actually likes my music I may try to move some
of the better stuff into the for sale category.  I tried putting it at
www.spareroomstudio.com but they never did anything as far as I could tell
and now they have begun charging money to put your music up.  www.mp3.com
seems like a more legitimate outfit and have two of my songs up although I
have submitted four.  mp3.com has a lot of info about mp3.  The mpeg encoder
I currently use is from:


It does not seem to generate any glitches or pops but takes quite a while.
I use Winamp to listen to MP3's. (with the Cthugha plug-in)

Hans Mikelson