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WCShell 5.1 installation problems

Date1998-11-16 06:12
FromRiccardo Bianchini
SubjectWCShell 5.1 installation problems
Fernando Rodrigues wrote:
> I downloaded recently this new version (after some atempts to work with
> version 3.x, never succeeded, and, after installing and double clicking on
> it, I get an error message - "run-time error '76' Path not found". As soon
> as I click OK, the application ends, without giving any chance to correct
> the wrong path (which I don't even know which one is.
> I erased the old directory without choosing the "uninstall" option - could
> this be the explanation? I already checked for a file called "wcshell.ini",
> but I didn't find any.
Dear Fernando,
probably the problem arise from the fact that you simply erased the
previous version, without uninstalling it.
In Windows 95 the data about settings are no more saved in an .INI file,
but in the Windows 95 register file (called USER.DAT).
What WCShell tries to do is looking for a directory that (probably) no
longer exists. 
So, try to uninstall and reinstall WCShell. In this way things should
If not, well, you have to manually edit registry entries for WCShell.
Run REGEDIT.EXE, go to
HKEY_USERS/.Default/Software/VB and VBA Program Settings\wcshell\paths
and set the entries 'Exe', 'Orc', 'Path', 'Score' and 'Wave' to the
directory where you installed WCShell.
Happy Csounding,


Riccardo Bianchini, Composer
Professor, Scuola di Musica Elettronica
Conservatorio "S.Cecilia", Roma (Italy)