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Re: HPKComposer for Linux

Date1998-10-06 08:52
FromLemoine Jean-Pierre
SubjectRe: HPKComposer for Linux
Dave, thanks for testing it. I have just seen the different tests you have
done as I can't check my mail during the day (France zone). But you you are
right  I have developped using swing version 1.01 and then 1.02. In these
versions the FileChooser is a preview and is working but not perfectly. I
think you are using 1.03. I am going to upgrade my environment and the to
upload it on the server. After that, I think that you may encounter problems
with file management. This is in this area that you can help me, as I am not
sure my code about path and extension separator.
I will post a message as soon as the new version is ready.

Dave Phillips wrote:

> Greetings:
>   I believe I found the problem and its solution. In
> commonView.CompositionView (in hpkc.jar) you call for
> com/java/swing/preview/FileChooser, but in my swing.jar it's located at
> com/java/swing/FileChooser. In another class (sorry, I'm recalling this
> stuff from memory) you called for
> com/java/swing/preview/filechooser/Foobar, but again it's located at
> com/java/swing/filechooser/Foobar. So, in my version of swing.jar there
> is no com/java/swing/preview directory. How can I correct that ? Are the
> sources available for HPKComposer ? I think I can get it running under
> Linux Java, one fix at a time. :)
> == Dave Phillips
>        http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/index.html
>    http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/linux_soundapps.html