| On Wed, 27 May 1998, Peter Neubacker wrote:
> can someone tell me how to write opcodes for extended csound?
According to ADI, you should buy their development kit (~1000$), and then
you'll be able to write either C or Assembler code which can be linked
with Csound.
I'm not sure it really works right now. Did anybody on this list add an
opcode to xtcsound?
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Subject: Re: writing opcodes
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Date: Wed, 27 May 98 15:58:40 BST
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I have written a number of opcodes for extended csound, and it is
essentially the same as for Csound. What is different is the process
of getting it accepted. If you have the ADI C tools then I wrote a
small graphic-interface to make all the changes, add to Makefile,
change link files, edit the entry3 table etc. I assume that this
program is or will be available from Analog. It was not perfect, but
it did do all the 5 or 7 changes.
What I do not know is how widespread the toolkit is for SHARC. Last I
heard it cost real dollars. Some Analog statement of current state
and policy might be useful.
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On PCs w/ Win95 or WinNT:
Anyone has winsound accepting the "-Msbmidi" flag?
It accepts the flag but does nothing...is this a bug? (or a non-feature)
It is also not accepting the "-K" flag.
(disregard what I said about devaudio on winsound, that's working fine I
mixed things up )
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Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 17:13:00 -0600
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> hYdra
dze 5 ztrongezt = dze konstellat!onz kass!ope!a. monoceros. hydra + 2 !n
goddard found dzat merel+e ment!on!ng 1 vojage 2 odr planetz zubjektd h!m 2
r!d!kule. ts!olkovsky wrote !n m!ddl age -> !t = d!ff 2 verk all on ur own
ovr numerouz yearz. !n adversz kond!t!onz w!thout 1 gleam ov hope w!thout
an+e help. man+e ov h!z kontemporar!ez thought he = trul+e mad. dzose who
knew phyz!kx besser dzen ts!olkovsky + goddard - !nklud!ng dze new york
t!mez !n 1 d!sm!s!v ed!tor!al not retraktd unt!l dze eve ov apollo 11 =
!ns!sd dzat roketz kould !operate !n 1 vakuum
+ dzat dze moon + dze planetz were 4evr be!ond human
464 . 19 .
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Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 00:22:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Qian Chen
Subject: Qs:pvoc,soundin/diskin
To: Csound
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Dear Csounders,
I have the following questions recently:
1. When I used pvanal.exe to analysis wave files, and then used pvoc
to resynthesis them, I always got audible distortion. The parameters
are as the following:
sample rate: 44100
Channels: 1
STFT frame size:1024
Window overlap: 4
Should I make STFT frame size bigger or use hopsize parameter?
2. This one is still about pvoc. When I compiled my Csound orc & sco
files, I got the following warnings:
new alloc for instr 1:
file c:\essay\af/95-vc04L.pvc (11753912 bytes) loaded into memory
file c:\essay\af/95-vc04R.pvc (11753912 bytes) loaded into memory
WARNING: PVOC ktimpnt truncated to last frame
WARNING: PVOC ktimpnt truncated to last frame
B 0.000 .. 16.639 T 16.639 TT 16.639 M: 19956.8 20469.2
What do they mean?
3.I have a suggestion - if some of you disagree it, please advise:
Both soundin and diskin can read a sound file skipping some time of
the file. Therefore, why isn't there a parameter to specify the
duration a user wants it to read? For example, if I want to skip 2
seconds and just read 5 seconds but not the whole files after the 2
seconds, I could use that parameter. Of course, I know I could use an
analysis file to realize it. But I do think it must be easier and
quicker if we add a parameter to soundin and diskin.
Any comment is welcomed and thanks for your bandwidth.
Qian Chen
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:11:57 +0100
From: Olivier Pasquet
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Delays and archives
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I am trying to make a composition using "moving" (more than multitap) delays.
I have used all the delays CSound 4.47 could do and I never got what I wanted.
Indeed, I want to be able to change the delay time with a k rate. The pair of
delay opcodes that makes this (in two lines) does not work at all for me. The
exemple does not work either. I must missunderstand something.
For exemple, I want an exponential delay time:
time ->
If someone could tell me why the pair of delay does not work and could tell me
what I should do I would pay him fries at the Mac Donald's.
PS: I am also looking for archives of great political (war?) speeches from
1945. I do not want English spoken ones because I have downloaded plenty.
Olivier PASQUET - Faculty of Music - APU
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From: Roger Klaveness
To: Qian Chen
Cc: csound
Subject: Re: Qs:pvoc,soundin/diskin
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-----Original Message-----
From: Qian Chen
To: Csound
Date: 28. mai 1998 09:38
Subject: Qs:pvoc,soundin/diskin
>Dear Csounders,
>I have the following questions recently:
>1. When I used pvanal.exe to analysis wave files, and then used pvoc
>to resynthesis them, I always got audible distortion. The parameters
>are as the following:
> sample rate: 44100
> Channels: 1
> STFT frame size:1024
> Window overlap: 4
>Should I make STFT frame size bigger or use hopsize parameter?
What kind of distortion?
I think your parameters should be ok, but it may depend on the type of sound
and how critical you are.
FFT is under the uncertainity principle, either you have good resolution in
the frequency or time.
Using long framesizes gives smearing of the sound, using short framesizes
gives less frequency information.
.. Or it may be something wrong with your orchestra.
>2. This one is still about pvoc. When I compiled my Csound orc & sco
>files, I got the following warnings:
>new alloc for instr 1:
>file c:\essay\af/95-vc04L.pvc (11753912 bytes) loaded into memory
>file c:\essay\af/95-vc04R.pvc (11753912 bytes) loaded into memory
>WARNING: PVOC ktimpnt truncated to last frame
>WARNING: PVOC ktimpnt truncated to last frame
>B 0.000 .. 16.639 T 16.639 TT 16.639 M: 19956.8 20469.2
>What do they mean?
I think this warning is triggered when csound have reached the end of the
pvoc-file. It then
uses only the last frame for the rest of the note. Try make the duration the
same length as the analysis file
or whatever ktimpnt you have.
>3.I have a suggestion - if some of you disagree it, please advise:
> Both soundin and diskin can read a sound file skipping some time of
>the file. Therefore, why isn't there a parameter to specify the
>duration a user wants it to read? For example, if I want to skip 2
>seconds and just read 5 seconds but not the whole files after the 2
>seconds, I could use that parameter. Of course, I know I could use an
>analysis file to realize it. But I do think it must be easier and
>quicker if we add a parameter to soundin and diskin.
>Any comment is welcomed and thanks for your bandwidth.
>Qian Chen
>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com