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Balancing loudness

Date1999-03-15 21:27
SubjectBalancing loudness

If, for example, a sine tone was gliss. from 64 to 20000 cps at a constant
amplitude, it  appears to get louder as the pitch increases. Does anyone
know what is the easiest way to balance this so that loudness remains
constant across the frequency spectrum?



Date1999-03-21 21:23
FromThomas Neuhaus
SubjectRe: Balancing loudness
On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Rosati wrote:

> Greetings-
> If, for example, a sine tone was gliss. from 64 to 20000 cps at a constant
> amplitude, it  appears to get louder as the pitch increases. Does anyone
> know what is the easiest way to balance this so that loudness remains
> constant across the frequency spectrum?

Our ears respond quite nonlinear to different frequencies. the appropriate
functions can be found in any good book on acoustics 
(like D.E. Hall: Musical Acoustics 
1991 Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. Pacific Grove

So put these curves into wavetables indexed by desired loudness and
frequency respectively. This is not an allto easy way but seems to me a
correct one :-)

Hope that helps


Thomas Neuhaus(neuhaus@folkwang.uni-essen.de) Phone (49)-201-4903-333
ICEM Institut fuer Computermusik und elektronische Medien
Folkwang-Hochschule Essen, Klemensborn 39, D-49239 Essen  
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