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Csound in live performance

Date1999-02-01 06:28
FromRobert Schrepel
SubjectCsound in live performance

It recently occured to me that I see no list discussion of using Csound 
as a tool in live performance.  I've been considering the possibility of 
doing just that.  I have my doubts about it, and as I ponder I thought 
I'd ask a few questions of those who use Csound in this way (are there any 
out there who do?)  I'm especially interested in examples of "regular" 
usage of Csound in a live rig, as opposed to special one-off computer music 
showcases.  Here are a few questions off the top of my head, but general 
comments are certainly welcome.

-- Setting up Csound in this way is quite a bit of work compared to 
plugging in a hardware synth.  What made it worth it to you?

-- What role does it play in your setup (synthesis, sampling, complex 
control sequences, realtime effects processing...)?

-- I fear that reliability would be an issue.  Any stories of spectacular

-- What platform/machine do you use (had to throw that one in )?

My interest in Csound decreased as my interest in live performance 
increased.  Realtime operation seems to be more viable these days, 
though, so I'm hoping some of you early adopters will shed some 
light on its pitfalls and rewards.

Robert Schrepel