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Re: [?/general/music] Japanese noise

Date1998-08-09 18:15
FromSean Costello
SubjectRe: [?/general/music] Japanese noise
David Schuyeteneer wrote:
> Does anyone of the Csound list here have music/noise from Japan ??  It
> seems that there is a good
> experimental noise-scene over ther !!  Info strongly wanted !!

I have heard and seen video of some of the bands in question (Merzbow,
CCCC, others).  Most of the bands seemed to be using electronic feedback
(i.e. mixer feedback) to get the sounds, with the feedback being piped
through different effects boxes (I noted an Electro-Harmonix Frequency
Analyzer, a type of ring modulator, being used by Merzbow, as well as a
variety of fuzzes and echoes).  Very low tech, not a computer in sight
(although these sounds could undoubtedly be produced digitally).  The
key to these sounds is feedback (output fed into input) being passed
through various nonlinear elements (i.e. multipliers, clipping
circuits).  Delays are useful for sustaining the sounds.